Click on the bottom row in each week and insert more rows if you need to add more activities than there is currently room for.
#Storyboard quick 3 pro
You will work in the Digitel Pro Course Design Template. This activity builds upon the course scan you did in which you already identified which of your current course’s elements were likely to work well online, and which are better in person. The goal of this activity is to create a storyboard of your online course. When storyboarding, it is important to identify learning sequences that are engaging to your students but that are also constructively aligned. When you are discussing what activities to engage learners in, think about what you can ask them to do: Describing what you will ask students to do and make a quick note of any tools or resources you might use and approximate timings.Sketching out the activities that might prove most effective in teaching each of these concepts.Breaking your course into meaningful chunks, for example as a series of key concepts that you want students to learn, units of time or thematic blocks.
#Storyboard quick 3 full
You will complete a full storyboard for your online course using our colour-coded building blocks for online education. You will decide which activities need to take place synchronously, and which should take place asynchronously. We will now start choosing which activities are best suited to online learning, and which will need to be re-designed or replaced.